It’s no surprise that the complaint we hear most often is that there is nothing to do in town. With so many larger cities within a couple of hours of the Mid-Ohio Valley, it’s easy to get a perspective of our small town that leaves more to be desired. There are those who call this valley home that wish to change that. We were given the honor of sitting down with an owner of one of our local business that wants to give the area the lift in entertainment the people have been asking for.

Eric and Alisha Wright are a husband and wife duo that saw a need for change in the MOV. They purchased the first portion of what was known as The Wine Basket then, four years ago. After the birth of their son, they renamed the business. Their main focus was wine, but they gravitated to craft beer as well. Eric said that a major motivation for the business was to shed some light on the stigma surrounding wine and the people that drink it. “With wine, there is a sense of pretentiousness and it could be harder to get into…we want to introduce people to wine.”

The Wine Guys purchased a second side to their wine and beer shop for gatherings, tastings, and events. The goal is to provide a laid-back community atmosphere while also allowing people to educated themselves about and taste wine. Eric described it as “a wine bar without the stuffiness.” On Friday nights they offer $2 off of their wine flights. For those that don’t know, a flight is a lineup of smaller wine portions so that you can sample more without getting full glasses of each. As if wine tasting wasn’t desirable enough, they also offer a meat and cheese tray to snack on while you sip your wine or beer. That sounds like a terrific date night to me!
Their space is a great environment for people who love to create, support local music, build community AND have a bit of wine.
Michelle Waters
Something new that The Wine Guys are trying to start is a themed Creative’s Night for all local artists. This isn’t just for those that paint or draw. The point of the theme is to see how many different artistic mediums can be used to support the theme. This could mean writing a poem, writing music, or even acting. Eric and Alisha hope to use these nights to bring artistic members of the community together to workshop and meet others that have the same talents. When speaking about the art community in the MOV, Eric said, “This can be a lonely place for an artist.” The Wine Guys simply want to give creative people a relaxed space where they can show off their talents, network, and be introduced to delicious wines.

“I love what Eric and Alisha Wright are offering to our community through The Wine Basket – it goes so far outside of their excellent knowledge of wine and beer,” said local artist and photographer, Michelle Waters. “Their space is a great environment for people who love to create, support local music, build community AND have a bit of wine. From 90s Hip-Hop nights to creatives meet-ups, Mom’s night out, tastings and classes, The Wine Basket has something fun, wonderful and heart-ful for everyone.”

The next Creative’s Night is being held April 24th at The Wine Guys, located at 1509 Grand Central Avenue #11 (behind the building) Vienna, WV 26105. The theme is “A Table for Two.” If you wish to share some of your work, simply use that theme and go with whatever comes to your mind. You do not have to participate in the artwork, but you can still come and admire the work of others and enjoy some wine and cheese. Come as you are and bring your friends! For more information and updates on all the fun and exciting things happening at The Wine Guys, like them on Facebook.
Portrait Photography by Michelle Waters
The Wine Basket Photography by Cassidy Ruppenthal