Downtown PKB Hosts Spring Cleanup Event, Adopt-a-Pot Program, and more
Downtown PKB invites the community to participate in a downtown cleanup event on Saturday, May 8th. Volunteers will be planting flowers, pulling weeds, and picking up trash throughout downtown Parkersburg to prepare the district for the summer season.
“Downtown PKB’s design committee is committed to maintaining a clean and tidy downtown as visitors to our City often view the downtown as the doormat to our community,” said Executive Director Wendy Shriver. “Our organization worked to formalize the Downtown Ambassador Program in partnership with the United Way Alliance of the MOV. Volunteers from the recovery community are organized by Sara Hess, Program Coordinator at the UW, and focus on keeping downtown free of trash and weeds. Beautification efforts like our Cleanup Day and our Adopt-A-Pot program help to engage the community in our mission.”

Interested volunteers should meet at Bicentennial Park at 9:00 a.m. rain or shine and plan for cleanup to continue until noon. Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own gloves and planting tools if they would like, but trash bags and gloves will be provided, courtesy of the Wood County Solid Waste Authority. Volunteers will be working in groups throughout downtown. Masks are recommended. Afterward, all volunteers are invited to enjoy lunch courtesy of Downtown PKB. Water will be provided, and the cleanup will take place rain or shine.
“Typically our Cleanup Day efforts help us to ready the downtown for our summer schedule of events, including the Taste of Parkersburg and our summer Concerts on the River,” said Shriver. “Our efforts also help in beautifying downtown for the many visitors that come to downtown to visit the Blennerhassett Island and parks.”
Downtown PKB is also again hosting their “Adopt-a-Pot” program to help keep the organization’s beautification efforts going all summer long. “Volunteers who agree to adopt a pot will be asked to help us keep those flowers watered and weed-free throughout the summer,” said Shriver. “Each participant that signs up to Adopt-a-pot will be recognized with signage in their flower pot as a thank you for their commitment to our efforts in keeping downtown beautiful.” Soil and flowers will be purchased by Downtown PKB’s Design Committee and planted during cleanup day.

Those interested in adopting a pot should download and complete this form and mail the form to Downtown PKB at PO Box 1671, Parkersburg, WV 26102, or send via email to Wendy Shriver at
Downtown PKB is also seeking interested businesses or individuals that would like to sponsor this year’s spring cleanup event. All funds will be used to purchase flowers, soil, and paint for upcoming beautification projects.
For more information on cleanup day, the Adopt-A-Pot program, or sponsorship, email Wendy Shriver at or