As a busy mom and someone who is self-described as “Fashion-Unaware,” am I a person who could get fashion help?
Have you ever heard of a fashion stylist? (It’s a thing, and it exists all over the world!)
Does fashion styling sound like something only fancy people do?
As for me and my answers: Most definitely, Not until recently, and Yeah, it did to me! I had no idea how much fun fashion styling could be. There, I said it. I can’t believe I said it. Please hear me out if you don’t agree. If you happen to agree with my new belief, yay! It’s amazing how one conversation can change your whole outlook on something.
Up until a few weeks ago, if you’d asked me why I pretty much always wear jeans and a t-shirt (or a hoodie) everywhere I go for the past dozen or so years, I would have told you it was because it’s comfortable and I’m a busy mom, and these reasons would have been true (and they still are true, really). But there’s more under the surface of my choices than I cared to realize. Just a short time ago, I got to have a conversation with a friend about why I felt that certain fashion choices were off-limits for me, and why I felt like I was being held back from being creative with my wardrobe…

For me, it was because I was afraid. Yes, I was afraid to play with fashion. I secretly envied people who dressed up all “complete” and such, and I felt like the fashion world wasn’t really my world.
When I thought of “fashion” as a concept before this conversation I’d had, it honestly felt a little pretentious to me. From the outside looking in, I thought of a polished look as a status symbol and something I could never achieve. So rather than risk messing it up, I chose to stay comfy and not bother. What people didn’t know (or notice) could remain my secret, right? But I wanted something more.
We pretty much all have friends who seem to always have their look pulled together. They put off such an air of confidence in their perfectly coordinated wardrobe choices that it seems effortless and, quite honestly, can even possibly intimidate some of us lesser “fashion-inclined” a bit. Okay, me. It can intimidate me.

Growing up, I was always the kid who couldn’t afford trendy clothes and the “cool stuff.” The idea of buying something I didn’t need that wasn’t a hand-me-down, so I could look good became such a foreign concept through the years that I all but eliminated it from my mind. So I somehow lumped the idea of pulling together a “look” into that same thought process. I considered looking pulled together a luxury, and something that had to cost a lot of money (and expertise) to pull off.
But what if that friend I was telling you about – the one that’s completely on top of their fashion game – was willing to help get you on track with your clothes (maybe even your whole wardrobe…okay, MY wardrobe…still me) to look like “WE” had out acts together, too?
And that’s when my friend Courtney Stone comes in. It really started a few months back. That one friend? She’s it, for sure. She loves fashion so much it oozes from her pores. Not only does she have a fierce love of (and education in) fashion, she also has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and blends her two passions into helping others find looks they love through her fashion consulting and styling business, Randomosity 740. And she rocks it. Courtney also shares her looks online with infectious enthusiasm and actually got me to start thinking I might have it in me to be creative with my clothes after watching and reading her posts for a bit. But it still felt like a huge personal hill to climb, to learn the “tricks”, and so I kept admiring her from afar.

But here’s the thing: Courtney Smith is just something else, and she’s definitely on the right career path. She shares real-world fashion tips, encouraging everyone who reads or watches her posts to pair unusual items, spruce up their current wardrobes and pay attention to the little details of their look, like cuffs, patterns, and accessories. She makes it all seem so simple. I honestly even started thinking I could have it in me to try playing with my clothes after watching her happy self sharing her expertise. After finding myself getting to the point where I was seeking out her tips online, I started to realize she was changing my mind about clothes.
So I did it. I reached out to Courtney for her help. I decided to give her fashion styling a go. And I’m so happy I did. It was so easy and it changed my mind about so many things.

After our initial video consult, I got some easy homework to seek out some looks I liked online and to pick out a few pieces of clothing already in my closet that I wanted to style or put into a look. After our quick chat, I already felt like I was beginning to play with my clothes in ways I wanted to, and I was getting excited. I went from feeling unable to be helped, to feeling hopeful. But the real magic came from the FaceTime meeting we had to pull it all together.
You guys, I genuinely feel like I was completely inept at making fashion choices before we spoke. After our meeting, I started getting it. After one meeting. I started thinking about how my pants and shirts were cuffed, how my shoes were tied (Yes, there are different ways to tie shoes. Who knew?) and how my earrings could change the mood of my entire look. I started thinking about how I could be brave and have fun with my clothes in even the simplest of ways, and it could make a huge difference without feeling like I was someone else’s idea of me.

To top it all off, every outfit she styled for me in this article was something I already had in my closet. She successfully eliminated my fear of needing to spend all of my money to update my wardrobe and look pulled together. My love of thrifting is still fully intact, and now I’m seeing all of the options I already have at home, coming together in so many new ways. Best yet, I am learning to have a new appreciation for what I have and what I want to wear, and feel like the choices I’m making when I do shop for new items have purpose and direction.
When we think about self-care, a lot of times we think about spa weekends and indulgent luxuries. Sometimes we allow ourselves to get stuck, thinking it can only mean those things. But it really can go beyond that. Anything that gives us a boost and allows us to love on ourselves a bit more and keeps our batteries charged, can fall into the self-care realm. Right in that zone, we can also find anything that honors our appearance and brings a smile to our faces – including the choices we make on what we wear.
If you think the idea of fashion styling could be for you, I’d humbly have to agree. If you want to get a bit of direction on how to create outfits, find your personal style, clean out your closet, or get any help at all with what you wear and how you wear it, I can’t recommend fashion styling with Courtney enough.

A West Virginia native who spent her most recent years living in the Mid-Ohio Valley, Courtney recently moved to the Columbus, Ohio area. But this hasn’t changed how she does business. Her consultations, styling, Closet Detoxes, Seasonal Fashion Updates, Travel Wardrobe Styling, Special Event Styling, Full Wardrobe Makeovers and so much more can all easily be done through video. The best part about video chat? She can access your closet from anywhere in the world!
If you’d like to give fashion styling a chance, Courtney’s consultations are always free. And once you find yourself booking her, your heart can smile knowing 30% of her fees go to a charity of your choosing (from a list on her website). Visit her website to learn more, and be sure to follow her on Instagram!