Washington State Community College (WSCC) Student of the Month credits the Air National Guard with giving him the experience that ultimately helped him select his career pathway.

Stephen King enlisted in the Air National Guard five years ago. The Air Guard is a separate reserve component of the US Air Force. Once a month and two weeks each year he receives training to provide support to both the state and federal governments during times of crisis.

King said his training with the Guard primarily focuses on electrical work, so it seemed like a natural progression to pursue a degree in electrical engineering. “It’s great that my education can build on that experience,” he stated.

King’s Student of the Month nominator, instructor Chris Carpenter, described King as a true leader in the classroom, a skill he believes is a result of military training. “Stephen excels at whatever task he is given and is able to grasp complex concepts, however, what’s most impressive is his ability to help other students around him understand,” said Carpenter.

Despite his obvious talent, you won’t find King boasting of his skills. In fact, he’s rather frank in his admission about his mistakes and believes they have value. “I’m comfortable showing my own mistakes if it will help others have success,” he confessed.

In December, King will complete the coursework for his associate degree in Electrical Engineering Technology and then will earn a second associate degree in May when he finishes his degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Veteran students, like King, play a vital role on WSCC’s campus. In addition to an active Veterans Club, the institution and the WSCC Foundation have several programs to provide additional support for this particular population, including the Student Veteran Emergency Fund. This fund is supported by many local Veterans groups, including Mid-Ohio Valley Veterans Outreach (MOVVO), VFW Post 5108, VFW Post 5108 Auxiliary group, Marine Corp League Sgt. Bob O’Maley Detachment 1436, and AmVets Post 1788. In fact, AmVets 1788 recently made its annual gas card contribution. This year, they increased the gift amount to $400.

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