For most students, summer break is a time to celebrate, but for others, it can prompt questions such as, “where will my next meal come from?”
While education is the primary focus of any school, it is not the only service rendered to the student body. Schools give counsel, guidance, and social outlets, but, at times the most important service rendered is access to food.
Although some schools have announced an extension of lunch services for their students, others have ceased operations until the next school year.
That is why Marietta Community Foundation is assisting the combined summer feeding program of The Boys & Girls Club of Washington County (BGCWC) and GoPacks, as well as Washington-Morgan County Community Action’s summer feeding program, by granting a total of $20,000 to these efforts.

“Summertime is a great time to relax and unwind,” said Heather Allender, President & CEO of the Foundation, “but, for some students, it may be the exact opposite. During the school year, students have access to at least two regularly scheduled meals… during the summer that might not be the case. This grant will give access to food to the children who need it most!”
By combining their efforts, BGCWC and GoPacks plan to serve approximately 135 youth over 79 days through “grab-n-go” sites. The joint program will receive $10,000 from the Foundation’s COVID-19 Community Response Fund.
“With unemployment rates on the rise during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, providing access to free, healthy meals to youth in our community during the summer break is more important than ever,” said Rebecca Johnson, Executive Director of BGCWC.
Another program to receive $10,000 from the Foundation’s COVID-19 Community Response Fund is Washington-Morgan Community Action, which is offering “grab-n-go” lunches at nine sites throughout Washington County. Each site has already begun operations, which will last 10 weeks.
“We want to remain flexible in this environment and continue to serve the additional meals and clients we have served since mid- March,” said Carrie McNamee, Senior & Community Services Director at Community Action.
The Marietta Community Foundation meets National Standards for operational quality, donor service, and accountability in the community foundation sector. Founded in 1974, Marietta Community Foundation has grown over the years thanks to a number of generous gifts.
Marietta Community Foundation works to improve Washington County through grants and initiatives, if you are inspired to help provide meals for the summer feeding programs in Washington County, please contact Heather Allender at 740-373-3286 or