Marietta Community Foundation is excited to announce that more than $100,000 of scholarships have been awarded through the Foundation to students throughout Washington County and beyond at the close of the 2017-2018 school year.

Some awards are provided to students pursuing a specific field of study or plan to attend a specific school, such as Marietta College or Ohio University. While others are awarded to students for participating in specific extracurricular activities or for being involved in the community through service groups or volunteering. Despite the criteria of these awards, each one was established for a specific reason. Whether it be in memory of a loved one who has passed or in the name of a local service group. Each scholarship fund held by the Marietta Community Foundation has a story to tell.

One such scholarship is the Art Fordham Memorial Scholarship, established to memorialize Art,  a dedicated, compassionate and respected teacher for more than 30 years. He worked with Washington County students through the Washington Career Center’s Occupational Work Experience (O.W.E.) program. He was well respected as a teacher and colleague who went beyond all expectations in advocacy for his students. He believe that all his students deserved an opportunity to achieve and succeed in life. Art was a teacher who utilized great compassion while stressing accountability. He worked with the students and their employers to maximize each student’s success. In 2000, Art received the OWE teacher of the year award for Ohio.

Art Fordham passed away in 2012 after devoting his life to mentoring youth, especially those who are often overlooked with seeking high education financial assistance. This scholarship fund was established by his wife, Denyse, to assist those graduates who wish to further their education and training, and continues to grow with the support of friends and family.

The Trae DeVolld Memorial Scholarship was also established in memory of a great person, Trae Thomas DeVolld, who passed away at age ten in 2017. Trae was going into the 4th grade at Caldwell Elementary School where he participated in football and wrestling. He could often be found hunting and fishing, and is remembered as having a big heart. He loved to make people laugh and smile, and never missed an opportunity for a good hug.

In 2017, Travis and Brooke DeVolld established a scholarship in Trae’s memory, to be given to a senior at Caldwell High School and Shenandoah High School who excels academically, is active in 4-H, and demonstrates leadership in and outside of school.

Despite the field of study a student decides to go into or the school in which they choose to attend, the Marietta Community Foundation takes pride is assisting the young people of our community in achieving their goals and helping them take the first step towards their careers. Check out the Marietta Community Foundation’s Facebook page ( for more information on the 2018 scholarship recipients.