Shop Local

The Coffee Shop That Love Built

The Bodega pays it forward, the community pays it back After much anticipation, The Bodega first opened its doors to the public in March of last year. The cozy coffee shop in Vienna, W.Va. whose mission is “Drink good coffee. Do good work.” welco...

Support Local with BINGO

With non-essential businesses closed to the public, our local small business community needs our support now more than ever. There are many ways you can continue to support our favorite small businesses in creative ways. If you cannot shop in person...

Distance Socially, Shop Locally

Distance Socially, Shop Locally With events being canceled, social businesses closing to the public, and communities preparing to hunker down, our small bus...

Co-Ed Shopping in the MOV

Did you know that there are several locally-owned shops right here in the Mid-Ohio Valley that cater to both men and women? If you aren't familiar with Ashton Preston, he is what we would call a local fashion influencer. He and I partnered up to ill...