Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department (MOVHD) announces that the results of the two-day drive-up COVID-19 testing. All 628 individuals that were tested came back negative.
This free COVID-19 testing was done on Friday, June 12 and Saturday, June 13 at the Parkersburg High School parking lot. All individuals will be contacted by MOVHD staff to verify their results.
This does not indicate that COVID-19 is no longer an issue in the Mid-Ohio Valley region. Wood County had a positive result today bringing the county’s total to 54. Roane County has 11 cases. Wirt County remains at four, and Pleasants and Calhoun County have each have two cases. Ritchie County has one case. Cases are listed by the county of residence.
Wearing masks, social distancing, and frequent washing/sanitizing hands are the best way to continue to keep the numbers lower. Wearing a mask protects those around you. Social distancing limits the chances of COVID-19 droplets from spreading from one individual to another. Hand washing and sanitizing as well as not touching the mouth, eyes, or nose help eliminate or reduce self-contamination.
Links for more information are available at www.movhd.com; www.cdc.gov (COVID banner) or www.wv.gov (COVID-19 tab). Operators are available 24/7 at the toll-free West Virginia Coronavirus hotline at 1-800-887-4304 to provide accurate information about COVID-19, the risk to the public, and the state’s response.
Wear a mask, social distance and wash hands frequently to keep yourself and others safe.