Most likely, February is not the favorite month of the year for most Ohioans and West Virginians. Even though it’s the shortest month of the year, it seems to go on and on. The daylight is short, the cold is long, and countdowns to spring are both heartening and depressing. Easter candy may help some of us while Valentine’s Day may help others. But the thing that can truly help citizens of Marietta and the MOV is the annual Betsey Mills Club Pot Pie Fundraiser.
Mariettans who visited The Betsey during the 50s, 60s and 70s may well remember the famous pot pie dinners that were served in the dining room. The pot pies served and sold for the fundraiser are based on that same recipe. Unlike other pot pies you might encounter, the Betsey pot pie does not have any vegetables in it.

“You get all the vegetables on the side,” notes Executive Director Jocelyn Adelsperger.” We serve green beans, mashed potatoes, and cole slaw with every meal, plus you get a delicious piece of lemon cake from the Sweet Stop in Beverly.”
The pot pie fundraiser has been a Betsey staple since 2011. “We are hoping to sell 625 meals this year,” Adelsperger said. All of the funds for the dinner help to fund operations at The Betsey, which offers everything from Yoga and Kickboxing classes to swimming pool access and daycare.

The Betsey does not make this fundraiser happen on its own. This year Parkhurst Dining, Marietta Memorial Hospital, and Warren’s IGA have all pitched in to help cover expenses. More sponsors are needed, so if your business is interested in helping to make this important fundraiser a success, give the staff of The Betsey a call at 740.373.4981.
Tickets for the dinner are on sale now for $15 per meal. You will be able to pick up your feast or The Betsey will deliver. The food is ONLY available on Friday, February 22nd and to make sure you will get your food you need to order by February 15th. The Betsey can take credit card payments over the phone with your reservation.

By the way, in case you thought the news could not possibly improve, one lucky Clutch MOV subscriber will be selected at random to win TWO pot pie tickets and FIVE Betsey fitness passes (you might want help working off the feast, right?). Tune in to our Facebook page on Thursday, February 21st to find out who the very lucky winner is, and then you can beg him or her to share!