Are you an introvert that finds social distancing much harder than you had imagined? And if you’re an extrovert, surely this can’t be easy. Not everyone has the luxury of staying at home with their families or friends right now. Let’s try to embrace this strange time and make a difference in how we stay virtually connected with our loved ones. It may even inspire you to continue to do these activities moving forward. If you don’t have an app on your phone for video chat, then you can sign-up for accounts such as Zoom or use Skype for your video chats. There are also mobile-friendly apps like FaceTime, Google Hangouts, and WhatsApp.
Looking for new ways to connect? Here are a few recommendations on how to stay connected while social distancing!
Start a virtual book club: No more excuses for not having enough time to read!
Host a virtual potluck dinner party: How often do you get to host a dinner with everyone’s busy schedules? Suggest everyone dress-up and cook the same dishes. However, each person picks out one dish they want the others to cook so it seems like a potluck.

Cook with a friend over video chat: Try new recipes with your friend and create a theme. You could even dress to match the theme. French cuisine? Wear a beret!
Coffee Chat: Start your day off right with great conversation with your friends over video chat, with your favorite cup of home-brewed coffee.

YouTube DIY’s or classes: There are so many different topics you can search for that will teach you how to cook, paint, decorate, style, etc. Think of something you’ve been wanting to learn but haven’t had the time to yet. Search it on YouTube and decide which video works best for you!
In-home Date night: Why not have a dinner and movie night at home? Order in your favorite restaurant’s food so neither of you has to cook. Then dress up like it’s a night out on the town. Have your partner ring the doorbell to “pick you up” when it’s time to begin!

Camp inside: If the weather is too cold or not suitable for staying outdoors, then camp inside and stargaze. Turn off the lights and watch virtual stargazing on YouTube while laying on your back.
Virtual Gym: Miss going to the gym? There are virtual classes out there and you can FaceTime your workout buddy so you can still encourage and motivate each other.

Virtual Movie Night: You and a friend can watch the same movie over video chat so you can talk about the movie in real-time or after the movie. Pop some popcorn and indulge in your favorite movie theater treat!
Get creative and have fun! If you have any other activities you’ve been doing, comment and share to inspire others.