Artistic Director Andy Felt says, “An important part of our departmental mission statement is that we strive to make a meaningful contribution to the cultural conversation for both the Marietta College community and the Mid-Ohio Valley region. In July we wrapped up our fifth consecutive Shakespeare by the River Festival, which brings together pre-professional theatre students from across the country, our own Marietta College students, and theatre artists from the community to produce professional level summer theatre.”

“Our collaborations with members of the community have been incredibly beneficial to our students and are a great source of pride for our program,” says Andy. “Local business owners, schoolteachers, hard working citizens from a variety of professions, city employees, public officials, local organizations, and children of all ages from across the region come together to passionately tell some of the greatest stories ever written for the benefit and enrichment of the entire Mid-Ohio Valley.”

“By inviting the public to be a part of our academic production season this year we hope to celebrate these collaborations, strengthen our ties with local community theatre groups, make new connections with our neighbors, and share in the dynamic learning that happens each year in the Hermann Fine Arts Center,” Andy shares. “We want community members to know that we consider them an integral part of our department and sincerely hope they understand that The Theatre at Marietta College is theirs as much as it is ours.”

The public is warmly invited to audition for our Mainstage Productions this year. Auditions for Tartuffe by Moliere are September 5 and 6. November 28-30 we will be holding auditions for Annie the Musical.  All roles are open. We are also looking for designers and technicians to work backstage alongside our students and faculty. If you would like more information about auditioning or assisting backstage please contact

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