The combined Kootaga and Shawnee District of the Buckskin Council Scouts of America, Klondike Derby was held with great success the weekend of January 28 at Camp Kootaga in Walker, WV. Units braved the cold and camped the weekend in tents.
The racers started the Klondike on Saturday morning, January 29 at 8am with a brisk temp of 6 degrees at Camp Kootaga.
Seven sleds competed in this year’s event. There were 10 Scout units participating and about 70 folks attend including the volunteers who ran the event.
The sled winner of this year’s event was the sled from Troop 68 from Cross Lanes, WV, from the Shawnee District.

The winners of the cross country race are as follows:
- 1st place was a tie with Troop 12 from Parkersburg and Troop 117 from Lubeck.
- 2nd place was Troop 68 from Cross Lanes, WV.
- 3rd place was Troop 437 from Spencer, WV
Overall winners are as follows:
- 1st place was Troop 68
- 2nd was a tie between Troop 12 and Troop 117
Many thanks to event coordinator Jay Wilson and his volunteers for a great job planning and executing this event.

Klondike derby is an annual winter event held by the Boy Scouts of America and Scouts Canada districts during the winter months and is based on the heritage of the Klondike Gold Rush. BSA units have been running Klondike derbies since 1949.
The event varies by district, but the typical Klondike derby consists of several stations where patrols/units must test their Scoutcraft skills and their leadership abilities, earning points towards a total score. Often, one or more races are included while the Scouts navigate between stations.
The unit must transport their gear on a homemade sled pulled by the Scouts. Districts may have specific guidelines for the construction of sleds.
Camp Kootaga will celebrate its 100th birthday in 2022. More info about the celebration is on the Camp Kootaga FB page. 100th anniversary commemorative shirts are available at the Parkersburg Scout Office. Reserve your site for summer camp at Camp Kootaga at www.buckskin.council. Need a summer job- fill out an application to work a summer camp.