Many business owners are using creative means to continue their businesses during the pandemic. Cheryl McHugh, owner of Full Circle Yoga in Vienna, is no exception. Having purchased the yoga studio in May 2014, McHugh found a way to continue offering yoga instruction to the Mid-Ohio Valley by harnessing the power of community and social media.
While Full Circle typically offers a variety of yoga classes in their studio, they had to find another outlet when social distancing became necessary. “We really wanted people to take time and pause with us. We started the #pausewithfcy on our social media outlets as a way to stay connected. We offered eight live stream classes on our website. And if we have to close again, we’ll release a few recorded videos as a pay-per-view option. We had plans to build our class library before the pandemic hit but never had time to get to it – then we did and an empty studio to do it in,” said McHugh.

Full Circle Yoga’s outdoor Yoga at the Point classes held each spring and summer were also affected by COVID-19. Usually offered in May, McHugh decided to delay Yoga at the Point’s start date due to safety concerns. Its kickoff will commence on Wednesday, June 3rd from 6 to 7 pm at Point Park in downtown Parkersburg. Subsequent Yoga at the Point classes will be held at the same time and location every Wednesday evening through September. All classes are beginner-friendly, open to people of all skill levels, and taught by certified Full Circle Yoga teachers. Registration is not required for Yoga at the Point, so those interested can just show up at Point Park with their yoga mats on the day of each class.
We are excited to be able to provide free community yoga. We’re grateful for the partnerships we’ve established that allow us to provide this opportunity to the community.
When asked about Yoga at the Point’s inception, McHugh remarked: “It was always the number one goal of mine when deciding to purchase the studio to build a yoga community. I love partnering with other local businesses and organizations, and the opportunity came up in 2015 to partner with the Point Park marketplace and offer outdoor yoga at the Point in downtown Parkersburg.”

In 2019, area businesses and organizations provided sponsorship for the first 50 Yoga at the Point attendees that arrived at each class. This year, Full Circle Yoga has garnered enough sponsorship to cover the cost for all Yoga at the Point participants and classes. “We are excited to be able to provide free community yoga. We’re grateful for the partnerships we’ve established that allow us to provide this opportunity to the community. Plus, we will add four kids’ yoga classes that will be offered at the same time on the first Wednesday of the months we are scheduled at the Point,” added McHugh.
As times of uncertainty and social isolation can add undue stress, McHugh suggests certain yoga postures help alleviate tension and anxiety. “The yoga postures called asana are great to move prana (energy) in the body and work out stiff muscles and joints, but the pranayama that is incorporated into your yoga practice is what soothes the nervous system and makes you feel less anxious. Allowing the fight or flight system to rest and digest is the most important thing we could do in these times. So, taking a few minutes of stillness with conscious breathing…really paying attention to how your breath feels and the quality of each inhale and exhale is so beneficial,” explained McHugh.

As restrictions lift, Full Circle Yoga resumes its full schedule as of May 11th. Each class will be limited to 10 students. Classes can be purchased and scheduled on their branded app – Full Circle Yoga WV. While online classes end as the studio reopens, Full Circle is accepting new Private Session appointments. People interested in a private session should contact