Clutch MOV is made possible only because of the writers, photographers, sponsors, and other contributors who believe enough in our mission to share their time, talents, and treasures with us. By working together to steer the direction of our efforts, our staff paves the way for Clutch MOV to continue celebrating culture, creativity, and community in our beloved Mid-Ohio Valley.

Our focus is simple: to uplift the stories of the Mid-Ohio Valley, to inspire a larger affection in the hearts of our residents for our region, and to promote the beautiful details that make our Valley shine bright.

How do we do it? Well, like most folks we do our best to attend meetings that keep the momentum strong. Sometimes those meetings lead to mini-retreats on a Sunday afternoon with taquitos, homemade dips and salsas, fresh baked pizza, and a cookie tray large enough to feed a football team. It’s hard to condense five hours of conversation into just five takeaways, but we’ll do our best because we are doing it our favorite people – our readers!

Our internal operations are about to get a major face lift.

A variety of team management apps have launched in the last few years and we are finally hopping on board with Slack, a one stop shop for team collaboration. Our writers and photographers will now be able to manage the production of stories with more finesse, accountability, and tracking. Stronger collaboration means more stories celebrating the place we call home: the MOV!

We will continue forward as a for profit entity.

Our staff is passionate about community building – we want to give back as much as we can to meet the needs of the MOV. Our passions led the staff to wondering whether Clutch MOV’s current model would be best served by a for profit status or a nonprofit status. After much dialogue and consultation, we decided to hold tight to our commercial status, allowing us to better meet our goals for positively impacting growth in the MOV.

We are encouraged by our readers and our readers are encouraged by us.

This is a big takeaway for us. Based on the findings from our most recent reader survey, over 80% of respondents shared that their appreciation has deepened for the MOV because of the stories we tell. Not only that, but over 50% of respondents indicated that Clutch MOV is for all ages and not siloed into one generation or another. This is music to our ears: we’re meeting our mission and bringing everyone along with us!

Our online engagement has grown tremendously this year, thanks to our supporters.

We average over 9,000 unique visitors to our website and reach over 23,000 across our media outlets, like Facebook, Instagram, and MailChimp, every month. While this might be a drop in the bucket to some, we are steadily growing and already in line with our friends at the local tourism bureaus, traditional newspaper outlets, Main Street organizations and more. In just 3 years’ time, we are at the forefront of local media in the MOV.

Based on demand from our readers, we are preparing the launch of two brand new Instagram accounts.

Yep, that’s right! Due to requests from our readers to produce more content, our staff are preparing the launch of two brand new Instagram accounts. One will be solely dedicated to showcasing events across the MOV and the other will feature our product line inspired by the communities we call home. Soon enough, you’ll be able to flaunt your community pride in style and show them off at local events across the MOV!

Stay tuned for updates on the launch of our new Instagram accounts. And, if you’ve ever been interesting in writing or photographing for a local publication, don’t hesitate to reach out! In addition to our new team collaboration app – Slack – we will also be hosting orientation times for new staff members – it’s the perfect time to get involved.

Interesting in sponsoring an ad and investing in our mission? Learn more about advertising with Clutch MOV by clicking here or sending us an email directly here.