Was it Professor Plum in the drawing-room with the revolver? Or maybe Miss Scarlett in the library with the wrench? I know—it was Mrs. Peacock in the hall with the dagger! The possibilities are endless when the Actors Guild of Parkersburg presents Clue: Stay-At-Home Edition. Directed by RJ Lowe, a talented cast of thespians presents a zany story filled with more twists and turns than a West Virginia road in the form of a good old-fashioned radio show.
Like the game, the kaleidoscopic gang is all here, and friends of the Guild will recognize most, if not all of them. Alexis Parsons is wonderfully vampy as Miss Scarlett, while Barbara Full is also great as the hypocritical Mrs. Peacock. Heather Hepburn is perfect as the ironically named Mrs. White. The irony is she’s bumped off so many husbands that Mrs. White is definitely a black widow. Josh Martin is hilarious as the moronic Colonel Mustard, while Chris Parsons is delightfully pompous as Professor Plum, and Joe Reeves hits the mark as a milquetoast Mr. Green.
But unlike the game, in addition to Mr. Boddy, played well by George Litman, the cast of characters includes RJ Lowe as Wadsworth the butler; the aforementioned Litman as several different folks in addition to Boddy; Heather Allen as Yvette, the French maid; Vanessa Rake as the trio of newscaster, cook, and singing telegram girl; and Brett Meade as the narrator. All of these folks are simply terrific.

Also unlike the game, Mr. Boddy isn’t the only body to hit the floor. In fact, there’s practically a murder for every room in the spooky old mansion where the story takes place. It all begins as our colorful cast arrives after receiving cryptic invitations from an equally mysterious host. We find quickly these aren’t their real names. Their true identities are withheld, but not to protect the innocent, as each has something to hide. In fact, they’re all hiding the same thing. They’re being blackmailed, but for different reasons.
Shortly after he arrives, the host, Mr. Boddy, gets murdered—twice. Soon, the bodies are dropping faster than the stock market in 1929. And with each murder, the mystery deepens. It just doesn’t seem possible one person could have committed all these heinous crimes.
With all the death and destruction, it may not seem like it, but it’s all played for laughs. And there are laughs aplenty. The script is hilarious, and the cast is equally comedic. By the end, things just get plain silly with one crazy twist after another. By the time the mystery is solved, the audience will be dizzy from laughing. It’s truly a good time.

And the best part is you can watch it from the comfort of your own home. Tickets are $18.95 per device and can be purchased by visiting the Guild’s website. The show will be carried live by Broadway on Demand.
At this point, I would normally tell you to hurry and get your tickets before they’re sold out, but that seems unlikely under the circumstances. Hurry anyway, however, because the show will only be performed twice, Friday, September 25 and Saturday, September 26. Both shows hit the airwaves at 8:00 pm. So, gather the family around the computer for a wild night of carnage and comedy. You’ll be glad you did.