It’s been said that great minds discuss ideas, and that’s exactly what happened at April 2nd’s #BloomTogether party, a celebration for the launch of a Kickstarter campaign by the Yellow Conference. Hosted at The Coffee Bar in downtown Parkersburg, a handful of passionate, purposeful, livin’ and lovin’ in the MOV kinda’ ladies gathered together with the mission of using their creativity to bring goodness to the world.

Being amongst the women who gathered was empowering. In the room alongside myself, Co-Founder of Dog in a Kimono, was Sarah Arnold, Editor-in-Chief of Clutch MOV, Allie Bennett, Boudoir Photographer of Studio 614 Boudoir, Melanie Tienter-Roby, Owner of Monkey Business Photography, Mandee Pogue, Owner of The Kitchen Wife, Kristen Meeks, Owner of WV Social Media Consultants, and Charlee Ottersberg, self-proclaimed overachieving senior at Marietta College and design intern at Clutch MOV.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetWe talked about community development, new social media apps, bridging the nonprofit and for-profit sectors, gender equality, things we’ve recently read, and of course, the ever-present exhaustion that inundates the lives of those who are purposeful doers. The space was casual but powerful, as any space would be in a coffee house surrounded by people who want to be the change they wish to see in this world. To be in a space with all of these amazing, entrepreneurial female leaders was inspiring, and that’s exactly what the Yellow Conference sets out to do.

The Yellow Conference is a gathering for creative women who want to ignite passion and bring goodness to the world. Their market is women who know that they were built for a greater purpose; the earth shakers and the ground movers; the women who I was sitting around a coffee table with, sipping on hot coffee and eating delicious cannolis; the women of the Mid-Ohio Valley; the women who are reading this article; the women who want to do more but don’t know what more is; the women who want to get connected to themselves, to each other, and to community.

The Yellow Conference seeks to continue creating spaces where women can come together inspired, which is why Clutch MOV hosted a Kickstarter event and why we hope you will choose to get involved. If you believe in the mission of the Yellow Conference, check out their site for more information. And, let Clutch MOV know of your passions for creativity and serving the greater good. Clutch is but a mere conduit for all the amazing talents and aspirations in our Mid-Ohio Valley, and as the old adage says, we bloom best when we #bloomtogether!