Chad Crumbaker

Your Vote Matters

Unless you’ve given up on all forms of media for the last six months, you are well aware that we are in the midst of the presidential election season. The prima...

Chad Crumbaker


Chad is an Assistant Professor and the Coordinator of the Legal Studies Program at WVU Parkersburg. In addition to teaching, he practices law in Parkersburg and is licensed in both West Virginia and Ohio since 2006. After law school, Chad served seven years in Wood County Circuit Court for Judge J.D. Beane. He and his family are active in the community and believe that the Mid-Ohio Valley is a wonderful place to live and work. Chad and his wife Katherine, a school nurse in Williamstown, have two sons ages 6 and 4. He is currently a candidate for Family Court Judge to serve Wood and Pleasants Counties in West Virginia and asks that everyone exercise their right to vote on May 10, 2016.