Carl Nelson

My Town

My Town Like an an old person with some major surgery, Belpre has its small areas of clotted memory continuing, in the humdrum way, the habits of its form...
Harmar Tavern

Harmar Tavern

Harmar Tavern Years ago, the old fellow from the worm shop nearby would shuffle in for his afternoon beer to escape the heat. He’d rest his cane and in the c...

Marietta Home Tour

Marietta Home Tour   Who would have imagined such culture and beauty behind the façade of Appalachia? Regal, slender, grey-haired matrons glide through homes of original rooms with ten-foot ceilings of original plasterwork relief, ...

Carl Nelson

Carl Nelson lives in Belpre with his wife, son (away at college) cat and dog, "Tater Tot". He moseys about between chores, writing poems and chipping away on his self-help book, The Poets Weight Loss Plan, a book of poetry and weight loss strategy.