Angela O'Curran Lopez


In a community so full of musical talent, rarely does a weekend pass by without a live show or three playing at one of many local venues. Some of the acts cove...

DIY for a Cause

Upcycling, defined by the Oxford dictionary, is “to reuse in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original,” has been somethin...

The Crucible

In a story such as The Crucible, the words on paper are pretty powerful. When brought to life by the actors on a stage, the story becomes personal and intense. The talented cast of the Mid Ohio Valley Players bring such life to the characters tha...

What About Auburn?

What about Auburn? It seems like a simple question, really, but for the people who live there and in countless small communities just like it, there isn't one ...

Dia de los Muertos

In recent years, the Day of the Dead and its images have become a big part of mainstream American Halloween celebrations, but there is so much more to the history of this holiday than the “sugar skull” image that is commonly recognized. Man...

The Barlow Fair

Most people in the Midwest are familiar with the idea of a county fair, or a state fair, but not every community is as fortunate as Barlow to have their own com...

Living Gluten Free

“Gluten free” is a term that has become more commonplace in the last few years. But, what does it mean? Well, gluten is a protein that is found in certain grain...

11th Annual Sweet Corn Festival

The eleventh annual Marietta Sweet Corn Festival was once again a success, bringing in thousands of folks from across the valley. While the corn - sweet, delicious corn - was the main attraction, there were plenty of other activities for the whole fa...
Angela O'Curran Lopez

Angela O'Curran Lopez

Author & Photographer

Angela is a writer and photographer born and raised right here in the Mid-Ohio Valley. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Spanish from Ohio University and lived abroad during part of her time there. She is passionate about music, art, and history. When not working her day job, she can be found wandering around town, with her camera in hand, capturing the beauty in the everyday.